Castello di Urio

It should have been erected towards the end of the seventeenth century, perhaps on the ruins of an ancient fortress.
It belonged to Counts Della Porta, a feudal family in Urio in 1731; previously the Salazars could have lived here. Later on, it belonged to the Castelbarcos, then to the Melzis, at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The last completed the elegant residence, arranging the broad park with a flight of steps and a characteristic fly-over which descends towards the shore of Lake Como

Maria Teresa of Hapsburg Lorraine, the King of Sardinia Charles Albert's wife, owned it later, and H.M. King Humbert II wrote about this from Cascais. Mary Teresa held the castle personally for a short period of time, then she gave it to the Avogadro di Collobiano family, who often entertained here as guests the first king of Italy, Victor Emmanuel II, with his wife Mary Adelaide, she too a Hapsburg Lorraine.

After some other transfers, the castle has belonged to theOpus Dei for years and the conventions of the Rui Foundation are held here.
