Villa Taverna

The place is ancient, as in 1545 the Odescalchis already owned a house here, which has been sold to them by the Canarisis.
In 1787 Mr Antonio Tanzi had the present villa erected with two separated bodies; in practise, the building lacked the central part. The poet abbé Giuseppe Parini often stayed here, entertained as a guest by the Tanzis.

The villa was later acquired by Counts Taverna, who saw to the insertion of the central body of the house obtaining the so-called horse-shoe structure which can be still admired. The Tavernas used to receive maby guests; among them we mention Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany, Prince von Buelow, Christine of Belgioioso, High Chancellor Bismarck's son and the beautiful Mrs Laura Acton, the Italian Prime Minister Marco Minghetti's wife.

For some years the villa has been one of the most elegant blocks of flats on the lake of Como.
